PROTAC|GPCR|Gα protein|Stable cell line|Calcium flux assay-商家动态-资讯-生物在线

PROTAC|GPCR|Gα protein|Stable cell line|Calcium flux assay

作者:北京爱思益普生物科技股份有限公司 2022-09-16T11:00 (访问量:3003)

ICE has been developing GPCR for many years, now we have >100 stable cell lines generated and validated in-house, and another 200+ targets on the way. Routinely we run cAMP and IP1 HTRF, Calcium flux assays by FLIPR, reporter assay for different targets, we also provide panel screening for GPCRs. We have strategic collaborators working on GPCR-based DEL screening, GPCR protein purification and structure analysis, hope we could support innovative project for GPRC FIC drug discovery, not only for classical small molecule modulators, also doable for target-based GPCR degradation and antibody screening.

Welcome warmly discussion or zoom meeting if you have any interest on GPCRs at ICE!

北京爱思益普生物科技股份有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 北京市经济技术开发区科创十三街18号院16号楼

联系人: 蔡世伟

电 话: 010-67809840,18513687260

传 真: 010-67809840
