组织细胞培养皿,外尺寸:Φ40x11mm,内直径Φ34mm,生长表面积:9.2cm2,材质:PS,无菌包装:20个/包,900个/箱 更多型号TPP组织细胞培养皿咨询
QuantiGene DNA Plex Set, By Request (Magnetic Beads)
QuantiGene DNA Plex Set, By Request (Magnetic Beads)
QuantiGene 1.0, Catalog Probe Set (see website for target specific Cat. No.)
QuantiGene 1.0, Catalog Probe Set (see website for target specific Cat. No.)
Procarta Cytokine Assay Kit, Human By Request (Please Attach Order Form with PO)
Procarta Cytokine Assay Kit, Human By Request (Please Attach Order Form with PO)
NES Reverse PCR Primer (350bp position)
NES Reverse PCR Primer (350bp position)
Procarta Cytokine Assay Kit, Mouse By Request (Please Attach Order Form with PO)
Procarta Cytokine Assay Kit, Mouse By Request (Please Attach Order Form with PO)